Grateful to #KeepMonmouthGreen at the Rumson St. Patrick’s Day parade!

MCF is grateful and honored to have been the charity beneficiary of the 2024 Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade, held on Sunday, March 10, 2024!

MCF Parade Staff & Board 2024

We received $10,000 in proceeds from the parade to support our charitable work to save open space, create parks, preserve farmland, teach environmental sustainability, safeguard waterways, and protect wildlife throughout Monmouth County. We thank the Parade Committee, sponsors, and everyone who came out to enjoy the festivities!  

We enjoyed listening to the CBA Marching Band play at the VIP pre-party with community leaders in advance of the parade at 1:00 pm, and the Atlantic Watch Pipe & Drum Corps that played at the post-parade celebration with Irish luncheon prepared by Alice’s Kitchen in Sea Bright. 

Thank you to the MCF staff and trustees who braved the cold, gray weather to participate in the Parade festivities! The large crowds cheered us on as we rode in a wagon drawn by a Monmouth County Park System Park vehicle, holding our “Parks for Everyone” and “#KeepMonmouthGreen” banners and signs. We engaged with all the families standing along the parade route, and we were fortunate to have MCF “leprechauns” to hand out new MCF stickers that were a hit. Even the teenagers participated, asking to hop on the wagon as it made stops along River Road! Please enjoy the glowing, joyful faces in our picture gallery! 

Photos from MCF Staff